5 comentarios sobre “Nafarroako bandera (30/03/2014)”

  1. Kaixo!.
    Estoy con vosotros en espiritu!. Desde Los Angeles, CA os saludo.
    Gora Nafarroa! Gora Gasteiz! Gora Euskal Herria!

  2. Eskerrik asko Charito!

    Mila esker 1512-2022 Nafarroa Bizirik elkarteari, eman zeniguten babesagatik eta egiteten duzuen etengabeko lanarengatik, zuena bai dela lana!

    Animo eta ongi izan!

  3. Hi! I am loving this site so far. I mireard a Dominican man a couple years ago and have been making the basics when it comes to Dominican cuisine. Now that I have found your blog I am getting ready to knock his socks off!! Thanks so much for taking the time to do these very detailed instructions they sure seem like they are awesome, can’t wait to try them!!Keep em coming!

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